Hot Wheels needed a new way for kids to try their cars, and fall in love with the brand once again. So why not let them take Hot Wheels for a test-drive themselves?
We created the first car rental company for kids: “Kids’ Service”. To make it happen we teamed Hot Wheels up with Europe’s leading car rental company, Europcar, and opened up shop-in-shops where we mirrored everything from the desk to brochures and car categories, so kids could rent their cars while mom and dad rented theirs. We even did it online too, where kids could prebook their cars – just like in the real world.
– 1,164 cars rented out to kids in 21 days.
– 78 % of all families with kids used the offer.
– 13 new stations planned to open across Europe and the US in 2015.
– Loads of very happy kids.